GJHSA Series

📍 Location: Mesa County Fairgrounds
📅 Show Dates: April 6th & September 21st
📆 Format: Clinics on Saturday, Show on Sunday

April 6, 2025
GJHSA Series
Mesa County Fairgrounds
Clinic on Saturday, Show on Sunday
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Visit GJHSA directly for more information

To enter, follow this link, and search for GJHSA Cow horse show, then follow the prompts.


Entry Information

To enter members should go to the Grand Junction web site at https://www.gjhorseshows.org/

  1. Click on docs & info, then Show Information from the drop down.
  2. Click on online entry tutorial
  3. Click on entry form

Class Prices/Fees

Open through intermediate: $37/class
Novice/Youth/Collegiate: $32/class
Cattle Charge: $70/run

All around discount: $10

New Provisional Affiliate!
We’re thrilled to welcome the Grand Junction Horse Show Association to the CoWN family! As new members, they are helping expand the stock horse presence on the Western Slope, and we’re excited to support them on this journey. Both of their shows will count toward CoWN year-end awards.

Since GJHSA is a smaller group just getting started with us, they are running these events as a subseries. High-point riders from both shows will earn buckles, with additional prizes awarded for places 1-5 at each event.

We encourage everyone to head over the mountains to support our new friends—or, if you see them at a CoWN event, be sure to give them a warm CoWN welcome!


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